Wednesday, August 26, 2009

One Evening this week

Just wanted to report on the evening - the first thing I did when I got home was to change clothes and play my Wii game, ANIMAL CROSSING.  (I had to water my turnip)

After about 40 minutes of that, messing with my computer (I reset the virus scan and Microsoft Live One programs, so they would not come on EVERYTIME I turned on the damn laptop) and talking to my friend Tina C of Fullerton, I prepared a 2.5 lb Tri Tip for the barbecue using the three steps Stubbs barbecue process (dry rub and moppin' sauce, to start) - heated up the barbecue, and cooked the meat for eight minutes on each side, twice.  Rested it for five minutes and served with Stubbs barbecue sauce.  My son actually asked me to teach him how to make it.  :-)  I served it with boiled red potatoes, carrots, garlic and a yellow onion, mashed with a stick of butter, some milk and salt and pepper.  I usally have leftover veggies, but not tonight.

After dinner we watched ROLE MODELS and, surprisingly, it was better than I thought it would be.  Funny and meaningful, in an adolescent sort of way.  Also a few good KISS songs...

Dishes done, journal written in for the evening and that's that.

I saw JULIE AND JULIA last night, and the blogging made me think - what could I blog about that MIGHT get me followers? And why would I want followers? Just depends on what I wrote about, huh?

I'll think of some things, and maybe get some focus and go with that... I am beginning another course toward my AA degree next Monday evening - Beginning Photoshop - so I can share that.  And my husband and I are going to be godparents to our little buddy Victor, so I've got that to share.

I watch a few movies a week - I could share about those too.

Until tomorrow....

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