Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Monday was a bust! Thank God for cable!

I was home sick and while we still have no phone, I made do with the 60 cable channels we signed up for on Saturday. How could so many channels exist with very little substance among them? I'll have to look into this.

Living from paycheck to paycheck is actually a very important to my personal, mental growth. I have learned to live without, and to live within my means. I have discovered the difference between a need and a want. I am enjoying the time my husband and I spend at the grocery store. I am enjoying books again and gardening. Cooking is becoming a diversion too.

I also had my anit-depressant dosage increased and last week I received my first increased dosage. (I take Celexa and I began, for over a year, with 20 mg per day/this was increased to 40 mg per day a week ago) I have noticed an increase in sleepiness and I can't seem to think actively. After a week of this I cut the dose back to 20 mg. (I break the tablets in half) Today I feel in a fog as its the first day at the original dose, but this afternoon I am making better progress.

That's all for now.