Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Yes, another September 11, 2001 notation:

My significant other and I were laying in the dark last night, discussing the EVENT. We were talking about that first night after the attack. All air flight of any kind had been cancelled indefinately. We were up quite late talking about the EVENT with our children and when we finally went to sleep it was a light sleep, the kind a new mother experiences as she keeps one ear open for the cries of her newborn.

Around 3:30 a.m. here on the Pacific Coast, I woke up rather suddenly. I heard a sound. I heard a plane. Very early in the morning. The day after the EVENT. When ALL flights had been grounded indefinately. I have never felt fear like that before or since. I remember wondering what a plane was doing in the air. Where was the pilot headed and was this a friendly if ignorant pilot or was I going to hear (or later read about) the explosion?

I finally fell asleep again long after the drone of the engines faded.

The next morning our local radio program mentioned the early morning flight, letting all the listeners know that a supply plane had been sent out in the wee hours. They also included an apology from the Armed Services for any panic they may have caused.

Nice of them to let us in on it.

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