Monday, September 09, 2002

I have given great thought to the question: "What in your life has changed since September 11, 2001?"

I have checked out several blogs on the topic - the general concensus among bloggers is this: "It happened. It's over. Move on."

I ask - how can one move on, if one didn't know where one was to begin with? And to the comment: "It's over!" I reply - Bullshit.

It wasn't over before it happened and it is no closer to closure than it was a year ago. Every day a bus, or a car or a person blows up Afghanistan or a surrounding city. EVERY DAY.

I remember a few months ago, my husband telling me a bus was missing from the Los Angeles Public Bus company - RTD. I thought, So? And then he said one word: Terrorists. And I felt fear. That sucks. It's not over.

It will be different though. I taught my 10 year old child how to escape from three different kinds of buses. How to use the emergency exit on a plane. How to call international numbers - just in case.

I will be different. People who act as if the acts of another nation do not directly affect the USA are ignorant. In denial. Have faith?

I know that I do not think about the ramifications on a daily basis. It comes up when people get together and need a topic. Everyone has a different opinion (really?) of how our President should be handling this thing. I wouldn't want THAT job for anything.

I decided that the things I can change involve me. My health. My future employment. My financial stats. My belief in that higher power. My kindness to others. The example I set for those who observe me.

I was told once by a very wise man that if I change one small thing about me, the world will be changed.

I have a list.

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