Saturday, February 10, 2007

One More Thing...

I was re-reading the posts I've made for this site and I amazed to find that way before I was arrested for marijuana cultivation - the beginnings of the life I am currently living - I was seriously trying to sober up. It's posted so it must be true. I knew what I was like, and I notice that I never gave up the whole story, and I see now just how nuts it all was... but it was all real. Exactly as I reported it. I am worried that my careful style of posting has been lost in my sobriety, but we'll just see about that as well.

I can report that my older son and I are on much better terms, although I am sorry to note that his mother is gone from this plane. May 3rd is the anniversary of her passing. He is now in the Army and just made Private First Class. He is married and his wife has an adorable three-year old who calls me Grandma (wipe that smile off your face right this instant). He joined last March (that in itself is a long story) and he married his lovely wife on July 3rd.

My Amarillo daughter is also doing pretty well, although she has a cold right now - cold weather this time of year in Amarillo. She still enrolled in college as is her beau, and she is still as unique as ever. She relayed to my on Thursday evening her Six Degrees of Separation from Kevin Bacon:

She met Amarillo Slim, famous poker player; He is being played by Nicolas Cage in the upcoming movie; Nic co-starred with John Travolta in "Face-Off;" John co-starred with Steve Buscemi in "Pulp Fiction" (?); Steve and Chris Penn co-starred in "Reservoir Dogs;" and finally (whew!) Chris and Kevin Bacon co-starred in "Footloose." She was so happy about this bit of information.

My younger daughter, now 21, is still living as she was at 17. I allowed her to live with us (after consulting husband) for 11.5 months after rescuing her from Sacramento (staph infection, hospital, etc.), hoping she would take advantage of the opportunity by attending school and keeping a job. Instead, she just took advantage until the ride was over.

Youngest son is still in school, and working madly to keep his grades at the minimum to pass. He has entered the Teen Zone and it's a daily guess as to what his mood will be at any given moment.

I am still sober - some days are better than others. I finally got the hang of willingness, and surrender, but I am a human being - free will and all that - and I occasionally assume that I know better than my Higher Power. One Day At A Time keeps me sane. I still get God Shots - got one this week as a matter of fact. Husband and I are seeing a marriage counselor in order to learn to communicate better and it seems to be working, for both of us.

Okay - I am actually sick of typing at the moment and I can't find the spell check thingee. So please be forgiving as you read this one...

Peace - just for today.

1 comment:

muppetbutt said...

I actually have less than six degrees to Mr.Kevin Bacon, but I don't think that's how it's supposed to be played.....